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If you have another video to upload click UPLOAD again below to select your next video.
Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE for free to our YouTube channel so you get notified when our next community created video goes live on our channel.
Thank you for contributing and don’t forget you can upload as many videos as you like!
[wordpress_file_upload singlebutton=”true” uploadpath=”videos” fitmode=”responsive” uploadpatterns=”*.mp4, *.mov, *.avi” maxsize=”1024″ forcefilename=”true” duplicatespolicy=”maintain both” uniquepattern=”datetimestamp” chunk=”false” redirect=”true” redirectlink=”/submit-success” placements=”title/message/filename/progressbar/selectbutton/uploadbutton/userdata” uploadtitle=”” selectbutton=”Upload” uploadbutton=”Upload Video” successmessage=”Your video has been submitted.” warningmessage=”Your video has been submitted (with some errors).” errormessage=”Error trying to upload, please try again. If it fails 3 times in a row try again later.” waitmessage=”Please wait… your video is uploading.” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”[email protected], [email protected]” notifyheaders=”%n%” notifysubject=”Community Video Submission Notification” notifymessage=”All Terrain Action Editing Team,%n%%n%This is an automatic delivery message to notify you that a new video %filepath% has been uploaded.” widths=”plugin:100%, title:100%, selectbutton:100%, filelist:0%, progressbar:100%, message:100%” heights=”plugin:100%, title:100%, uploadbutton:100%, progressbar:100%, message:100%” userdatalabel=”Text to appear at the bottom when this video is played.|t:text|s:top|r:0|a:0|p:inline|d:” gdrivepath=””]